Our Newsroom section is designed to provide access to the latest news, information, and story material related to the activities of the Absolute Equality-Junteenth Mural Project.
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We will make every effort to respond promptly to media inquires. For additional information, and to be connected with the right expert, contact Brett Holmes at brett@bretthomes.com.
Public artist Reginald Adams to expand Absolute Equality public art installations in a four-city nationwide tour to honor and celebrate Juneteenth 2024
HOUSTON, TEXAS (February 22, 2024)—In celebration of Black History Month, public artist Reginald C. Adams announced the expansion of Absolute Equality, a public art initiative he started in early 2021 in Galveston, the birthplace of Juneteenth. The national social justice and equality initiative will reveal public art installations in Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., Atlanta, and Denver on or near June 19, 2024. Read More.>
Absolute Equality TV
Absolute Equality TV

Empowerment, Progress, Freedom | Capital One Café

Absolute Equality: Celebrating Juneteenth and Freedom through Public Art | Capital One Café